Je Mange

“I eat therefore I am”– Culinary Genius

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Recently I bought a vintage all metal grinder attachment for my kitchenaid standing mixer.
Why would I buy an old part? The current food grinder offered by kitchenaid has a plastic housing which tends to crack. I will mainly use this to grind meats to make forcemeats; which are used in sausage, terrine, paté and such.

Thus far I have made basil-tomato chicken sausage and garlic porc sausage; they are delicious.
I will spare technical detail for another time. Suffice it to say that I marinated, ground, taste tested, stuffed and cooked & froze 8 lbs of sausage.

Here is a poor picture of my grinder. I also have a fine grinding plate which is essential for my purposes.


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